Why the “Digital”?

We’re well into the 21st century, so digital technology is essentially a foregone conclusion when it comes to professional audio production. However, there has been a recent resurgence of interest in analogue audio technologies; records reinstating themselves as the primary medium for consumer-enthusiasts, outboard analogue gear persisting in the effects chains of both live and […]

Prepare For Your Day In The Studio

Maybe it’s your first time ever in a studio, or maybe you haven’t done a session since you were in that terrible school band in 1994. Either way, the return to a studio space can be both exhilarating and daunting. You want to make sure you’re coming in fully prepared, so that you, the band, […]

Mixing in 3D

There’s a lot to consider when you’re mixing a song. You want your bass to be tight and powerful, but it can’t get in the way of your kick – you want your snare to have both body and snap, and to punch through the mix on every hit – you want your cymbals to […]

Our 9 Favourite Digital Plugins

Matrix Digital Plugins Screenshot

While Matrix Digital is home to a mouth-watering array of analogue gear, a decent chunk of our audio processing is done using digital plugins. Here are the team’s top picks: Phill Simon Robbie Check out an extensive list of our facility’s features here.

A Hit Recording at Matrix Digital

lily fearn with guitar singing into mic

It’s 11:45am, forty-five minutes after Call Time. Fortunately, you’re the bassist, so it’s safe to assume you’ll take way less time to set up, and your lateness probably won’t matter. You ring the buzzer by the front door labelled Matrix Studio and a voice answers “Hey, come on up!” The door clicks unlocked and you […]